Input Examples

TE nodes: The complete list

  3  group: "GRPSERIAL"
  4  tag: ["a", "b"]
  5  build:
  6    # source files to include (if needed)
  7    files: "@SRCPATH@/*.c"
  8    autotools:
  9      args: ['--disable-bootstrap']
 10      envs: []
 11    cmake:
 12      vars: ['CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON']
 13      args: []
 14      envs: []
 15    make:
 16      target: "all"
 17      args: ['MPICC=@COMPILER_CC@']
 18      envs: []
 19    sources:
 20      # program binary (if needed)
 21      binary: "a.out"
 22      # extra cflags
 23      cflags: "extra cflags"
 24      # extra ldflags
 25      ldflags: "extra ldflags"
 26      envs: []
 27    custom:
 28      program: ""
 29      envs: ["VAR1=value", "VAR2=value"]
 30    # dependency scheme
 31    depends_on: ["this_is_another_test"]
 32    # directory where program should be built
 33    cwd: "dir/to/build"
 34    # variants describing the job.
 35    # available variants are provided by compiler.$LANG
 36    variants:
 37      - openmp
 38      - accel
 39      - mpi
 40    attributes:
 41      command_wrap: true
 43  run: &run_part
 44    program: "./a.out"
 45    attributes:
 46      command_wrap: true
 47      path_resolution: false
 48    iterate:
 49      # runtime iterators
 50      n_mpi:
 51        values: [2, 4]
 52      n_omp:
 53        values: [1, 2]
 54      program:
 55        # name will be used as part of final test-name
 56        give_it_a_name:
 57          numeric: true
 58          type: "argument"
 59          values: ["-iter 1000", "-fast"]
 60          subtitle: "lol"
 61    # directory where program should be built
 62    cwd: "dir/to/build"
 63    # dependency scheme
 64    depends_on: ["this_is_another_run_test_in_the_same_file"]
 65    package_manager:
 66      spack:
 67        - protobuf@3.1.1
 68        - gcc@7.3.0
 69      module:
 70        - protobuf
 71        - gnu/gcc/7.3.0
 72  artifact:
 73    # relative to $BUILDPATH
 74    obj1: "./path/1"
 75    obj2: "./path/2"
 77  metrics:
 78    metric1:
 79      key: "regex"
 80    metric2:
 81      key: "regex"
 83  # this is a copy/paste from pav2
 84  validate:
 85    expect_exit: 0
 86    time:
 87      mean: 10.0
 88      tolerance: 2.0
 89      kill_after: 20
 90    match:
 91      label:
 92        expr: '^\d+(\.\d+) received$'
 93        expect: true|false
 94      label2: 'Total Elapsed: \d+\.\d+ sec.$'
 95    analysis:
 96      method: "<method>"
 97    script:
 98      path: "/path/to/script"
102# depicts an inheritance mechanism.
104  build:
105    make:
106      target: all
107  run:
108    <<: *run_part

Profile: The complete list