Source code for

import fcntl
import json
import os
import tarfile
import tempfile
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from ruamel.yaml import YAML

from pcvs.helpers import utils
from pcvs.helpers import git
from pcvs.orchestration.publishers import BuildDirectoryManager
from pcvs.helpers.exceptions import BankException, CommonException
from pcvs.helpers.system import MetaDict

#: :var BANKS: list of available banks when PCVS starts up
#: :type BANKS: dict, keys are bank names, values are file path
BANKS: Dict[str, str] = dict()

[docs]class Bank(dsl.Bank): """Representation of a PCVS result datastore. Stored as a Git repo, a bank hold multiple results to be scanned and used to analyse benchmarks result over time. A single bank can manipulate namespaces (referred as 'projects'). The namespace is provided by suffixing ``@proj`` to the original name. :param root: the root bank directory :type root: str :param repo: the Pygit2 handle :type repo: :class:`Pygit2.Repository` :param config: when set, configuration file of the just-submitted archive :type config: :class:`MetaDict` :param rootree: When set, root handler to the next commit to insert :type rootree: :class:`Pygit2.Object` :param locked: Serialize Bank manipulation among multiple processes :type locked: bool :param proj_name: extracted default-proj from initial token :type proj_name: str """ def __init__(self, path: Optional[str] = None, token: str = "") -> None: """Build a Bank. The path may be omitted if the bank is already known (=stored in ``PATH_BANK`` file). If not, the path is mandatory in order to be saved. .. warning:: A bank name should be resolved either by its presence in ``PATH_BANK`` file **or** with a valid provided path. Otherwise, an error may be raised. The token is under the form ``A@B`` where ``A`` depicts its name and ``B`` represents the "default" project" where data will be manipulated. :param path: location of the bank repo (on disk), defaults to None :type path: str, optional :param token: name & default project to manipulate, defaults to "" :type token: str """ self._dflt_proj: Optional[str] = None self._name: Optional[str] = None self._path: str = path global BANKS # split name & default-proj from token array: List[str] = token.split('@', 1) if len(array) > 1: self._dflt_proj = array[1] self._name = array[0] if self.exists(): if self.name_exist(): path = BANKS[self._name.lower()] else: for k, v in BANKS.items(): if v == path: self._name = k break super().__init__(path, self._dflt_proj) @property def default_project(self) -> str: """ Get project set as default when none are provided. :return: the project name (as a Ref branch) :rtype: str """ return "unknown" if not self._dflt_proj else self._dflt_proj @property def prefix(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get path to bank directory. :return: absolute path to directory :rtype: str """ return self._path @property def name(self) -> str: """Get bank name. :return: the exact label (without default-project suffix) :rtype: str """ return self._name if self._name else ""
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """Check if the bank is stored in ``PATH_BANK`` file. Verification is made either on name **or** path. :return: True if both the bank exist and globally registered :rtype: bool """ return self.name_exist() or self.path_exist()
[docs] def name_exist(self) -> bool: """Check if the bank name is registered into ``PATH_BANK`` file. :return: True if the name (lowered) is in the keys() :rtype: bool """ return self._name.lower() in BANKS.keys() if self._name else False
[docs] def path_exist(self) -> bool: """Check if the bank path is registered into ``PATH_BANK`` file. :return: True if the path is known. :rtype: bool """ return self._path in BANKS.values()
def __str__(self) -> str: """Stringification of a bank. :return: a combination of name & path :rtype: str """ return str({self._name: self._path})
[docs] def show(self, stringify: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Print the bank on stdout. .. note:: This function does not use :class:`log.IOManager` """ string = ["Projects contained in bank '{}':".format(self._path)] # browse references for project, series in self.list_all().items(): string.append( "- {:<8}: {} distinct testsuite(s)".format(project, len(series))) for s in series: string.append(" * {}: {} run(s)".format(, len(s))) if stringify: return "\n".join(string) else: print("\n".join(string))
def __del__(self) -> None: """ Close / disconnet a bank (releasing lock) """ self.disconnect()
[docs] def save_to_global(self) -> None: """Store the current bank into ``PATH_BANK`` file.""" global BANKS if self._name in BANKS: self._name = os.path.basename(self._path).lower() add_banklink(self._name, self._path)
[docs] def save_from_buildir(self, tag: str, buildpath: str, msg: str=None) -> None: """Extract results from the given build directory & store into the bank. :param tag: overridable default project (if different) :type tag: str :param buildpath: the directory where PCVS stored results :type buildpath: str """ hdl = BuildDirectoryManager(buildpath) hdl.load_config() hdl.init_results() seriename = self.build_target_branch_name(tag, hdl.config.validation.pf_hash) serie = self.get_serie(seriename) if serie is None: serie = self.new_serie(seriename) run = dsl.Run(from_serie=serie) metadata = {'cnt': {}} for job in hdl.results.browse_tests(): metadata['cnt'].setdefault(str(job.state), 0) metadata['cnt'][str(job.state)] += 1 run.update(, job.to_json()) self.set_id(,, cn=git.get_current_username(), cm=git.get_current_usermail() ) run.update(".pcvs-cache/conf.json", hdl.config.dump_for_export()) serie.commit(run, metadata=metadata, msg=msg, timestamp=int( hdl.config.validation.datetime.timestamp()))
[docs] def save_from_archive(self, tag: str, archivepath: str, msg: str=None) -> None: """Extract results from the archive, if used to export results. This is basically the same as :func:`BanK.save_from_buildir` except the archive is extracted first. :param tag: overridable default project (if different) :type tag: str :param archivepath: archive path :type archivepath: str """ assert (os.path.isfile(archivepath)) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tarpath: d = [x for x in os.listdir(tarpath) if x.startswith("pcvsrun_")] assert(len(d) == 1) self.save_from_buildir(tag, os.path.join(tarpath, d[0]), msg=msg)
[docs] def save_new_run_from_instance(self, target_project: str, hdl: BuildDirectoryManager, msg: str=None) -> None: """ Create a new node into the bank for the given project, based on the open result handler. :param target_project: valid project (=branch) :type target_project: str :param hdl: the result build directory handler :type hdl: class:`BuildDirectoryManager` """ seriename = self.build_target_branch_name(target_project, hdl.config.validation.pf_hash) serie = self.get_serie(seriename) metadata = {'cnt': {}} if serie is None: serie = self.new_serie(seriename) #TODO: populate the run with build-dir content #TODO: add metadata to hidden root directory # Init a new fun run = dsl.Run(from_serie=serie) # now use the handle to populate the bank # We chose to make the layout slightly different between # runs & banks as the `git-diff` does not permit to store # other than a JSON file per test output (yet) :( # Still, an hidden root directory will store aliases to easily # maps tests to their on-disk counterparts. d = dict() for job in hdl.results.browse_tests(): d[] = job.to_json() metadata['cnt'].setdefault(str(job.state), 0) metadata['cnt'][str(job.state)] += 1 run.update_flatdict(d) self.set_id(,, cn=git.get_current_username(), cm=git.get_current_usermail() ) run.update(".pcvs-cache/conf.json", hdl.config) serie.commit(run, metadata=metadata, msg=msg, timestamp=int( hdl.config.validation.datetime.timestamp()))
[docs] def save_new_run(self, target_project: str, path: str) -> None: if not utils.check_is_build_or_archive(path): raise CommonException.NotPCVSRelated( reason="Invalid path, not PCVS-related", dbg_info={"path": path} ) if utils.check_is_archive(path): # convert to prefix # update path according to it hdl = BuildDirectoryManager.load_from_archive(path) else: hdl = BuildDirectoryManager(build_dir=path) hdl.load_config() self.save_new_run_from_instance(target_project, hdl)
[docs] def build_target_branch_name(self, tag: str = None, hash: str = None) -> str: """Compute the target branch to store data. This is used to build the exact Git branch name based on: * default-proj * unique profile hash, used to run the validation :param tag: overridable default-proj (if different) :type tag: str :return: fully-qualified target branch name :rtype: str """ # a reference (lightweight branch) is tracking a whole test-suite # history, there are managed directly # TODO: compute the proper name for the current test-suite if tag is None: tag = self.default_project return "{}/{}".format(tag, hash)
def __repr__(self) -> dict: """Bank representation. :return: a dict-based representation :rtype: dict """ return { 'rootpath': self._path, 'name': self._name }
[docs] def get_count(self): """ Get the number of projects managed by this bank handle. :return: number of projects :rtype: int """ return len(self.list_projects())
[docs]def init() -> None: """Bank interface detection. Called when program initializes. Detects defined banks in ``PATH_BANK`` """ global BANKS try: with open(PATH_BANK, 'r') as f: BANKS = YAML(typ='safe').load(f) except FileNotFoundError: # nothing to do, file may not exist pass if BANKS is None: BANKS = dict()
[docs]def list_banks() -> dict: """Accessor to bank dict (outside of this module). :return: dict of available banks. :rtype: dict """ return BANKS
[docs]def flush_to_disk() -> None: """Update the ``PATH_BANK`` file with in-memory object. :raises IOError: Unable to properly manipulate the tree layout """ global BANKS, PATH_BANK try: prefix_file = os.path.dirname(PATH_BANK) if not os.path.isdir(prefix_file): os.makedirs(prefix_file, exist_ok=True) with open(PATH_BANK, 'w+') as f: YAML(typ='safe').dump(BANKS, f) except IOError as e: raise BankException.IOError(e)