Source code for

import os
import random

from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Iterable, Union

from flask import Flask
from ruamel.yaml import YAML

import pcvs
from pcvs.backend.session import Session, list_alive_sessions
from pcvs.helpers.exceptions import CommonException
from pcvs.helpers import utils
from pcvs.helpers.system import MetaDict
from pcvs.orchestration.publishers import BuildDirectoryManager
from pcvs.webview import create_app, data_manager

[docs]def upload_buildir_results(buildir) -> None: """Upload a whole test-suite from disk to the server data model. :param buildir: the build directory :type buildir: str """ # first, need to determine the session ID -> conf.yml with open(os.path.join(buildir, "conf.yml"), 'r') as fh: conf_yml = MetaDict(YAML().load(fh)) sid = conf_yml.validation.sid dataman = data_manager man = BuildDirectoryManager(buildir) dataman.insert_session(sid, { 'buildpath': buildir, 'state': Session.State.COMPLETED, 'dirs': conf_yml.validation.dirs }) for test in man.results.browse_tests(): dataman.insert_test(sid, test) dataman.close_session(sid, {'state': Session.State.COMPLETED})
[docs]class Report: """ Map a Report interface, to handle request from frontends. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ Initialize a new report (no args) """ self._sessions = dict() self._alive_session_infos = dict() @classmethod def __create_build_handler(self, path) -> BuildDirectoryManager: """ Initialize a new handler to a build directory. This object will be used to forward result requests. :param path: build directory path :type path: str :raises Exception: Invalid path is provided :return: the actual handler :rtype: class:`BuildDirectoryManager` """ if utils.check_is_buildir(path): hdl = BuildDirectoryManager(path) elif utils.check_is_archive(path): hdl = BuildDirectoryManager.load_from_archive(path) else: raise CommonException.NotPCVSRelated( reason="Given path is not PCVS build related", dbg_info={"path": path} ) return hdl
[docs] def add_session(self, path) -> None: """ Insert new session to be managed. :param path: the build path (root dir) :type path: str """ hdl = self.__create_build_handler(path) hdl.load_config() hdl.init_results() self._sessions[hdl.sid] = hdl
[docs] def load_alive_sessions(self) -> None: """ Load currently active sessions as reference in PATH_SESSION. A issue with this function, as invalid sessions are not managet yet. """ self._alive_session_infos = list_alive_sessions() for sk, sv in self._alive_session_infos.items(): hdl = self.__create_build_handler(sv['path']) if hdl.sid in self._sessions: # SID may be recycled # just attribute another number (negative, to make it noticeable) while hdl.sid in self._sessions: hdl.sid = random.randint(0, 10000) * (-1) elif hdl.sid != sk: # The build directory has been reused since this session ended # mark the old one as 'unavailable' pass self.add_session(sv['path'])
@property def session_ids(self) -> List[int]: """ Get the list of session ids managed by this instance. :return: a list of session ids :rtype: list of integers """ return list(self._sessions.keys())
[docs] @classmethod def dict_convert_list_to_cnt(self, l: Dict[str, List[int]]) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Convert dict of arrays to a dict of array lengths. Used to convert dict of per-status jobs to a summary of them. :param l: the dict of arrays :type l: dict :return: a summary of given dict :rtype: dict """ return {k: len(v) for k, v in l.items()}
[docs] def session_infos(self) -> Iterable[Dict]: """ Get sesion metadata for each session currently loaded into the instance. :return: the list of metadata (as dict) :rtype: list """ for sid, sdata in self._sessions.items(): counts = self.dict_convert_list_to_cnt( self.single_session_status(sid)) state = self._alive_session_infos[sid]['state'] if sid in self._alive_session_infos else Session.State.COMPLETED yield {'sid': sid, 'state': str(state), 'count': counts, 'path': sdata.prefix, 'info': sdata.config.validation.get('message', 'No message')}
[docs] def single_session_config(self, sid) -> dict: assert sid in self._sessions d = self._sessions[sid].get_config() d['runtime']['plugin'] = '' return d
[docs] def single_session_status(self, sid, filter=None) -> Union[Dict, List]: """ Get per-session status infos :param sid: Session id to extract info from. :type sid: int :param filter: optional status to filter in, defaults to None :type filter: str, optional :return: A dict of statuses (or a single list if the filter is used) :rtype: dict or list """ assert sid in self._sessions statuses = self._sessions[sid].results.status_view if filter: assert (filter in statuses) return statuses[filter] else: return statuses
[docs] def single_session_tags(self, sid) -> Dict[str, Dict]: """ Get per-session available tags. Outputs a per-status dict. :param sid: Session ID :type sid: int :return: dict of statuses :rtype: dict """ assert sid in self._sessions return self._sessions[sid].results.tags_view
[docs] def single_session_job_cnt(self, sid) -> int: """ Get per session number of job. :param sid: the session ID :type sid: int :return: The number of jobs (total) :rtype: int """ assert sid in self._sessions return self._sessions[sid].results.total_cnt
[docs] def single_session_labels(self, sid) -> Dict[str, Dict]: """ Get per-session available labels. Outputs a per-status dict. :param sid: Session ID :type sid: int :return: dict of statuses :rtype: dict """ assert sid in self._sessions labels_info = self._sessions[sid].results.tree_view return {label: labels_info[label] for label in self._sessions[sid].config.validation.dirs.keys()}
[docs] def single_session_build_path(self, sid) -> str: """ Get build prefix of a given session. :param sid: session ID :type sid: int :return: build path :rtype: str """ assert sid in self._sessions return self._sessions[sid].prefix
[docs] def single_session_map_id(self, sid, jid) -> pcvs.testing.test.Test: """ For a given session id, convert a job it into its relative clas:`Test` object. :param sid: Session ID :type sid: int :param jid: Job ID :type jid: int :return: the Actual test object :rtype: class:`Test` """ assert sid in self._sessions return self._sessions[sid].results.map_id(id=jid)
[docs] def single_session_get_view(self, sid, name, subset=None, summary=False) -> Dict[str, Dict]: """ Get a specific view from a given session. A view consists in a per-status split of jobs depending on the purpose of the stored view. PCVS currently provide automatically: * Per status * Per tags * Per labels If `subset` is provided, only the nodes matching the key will be returned. If `summary` is True, a job count will be returned instead of actual job ids. :param sid: Session ID :type sid: int :param name: view name :type name: str :param subset: only a selection of the view, defaults to None :type subset: str, optional :param summary: Should it be summarized, defaults to False :type summary: bool, optional :return: the result dict :rtype: dict """ d = {} if name == "tags": d = self.single_session_tags(sid) elif name == "labels": d = self.single_session_labels(sid) else: return None if subset: d = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if subset in k} if d and summary: return {k: self.dict_convert_list_to_cnt(v) for k, v in d.items()} else: return d
[docs]def build_static_pages(buildir) -> None: """From a given build directory, generate static pages. This can be used only for already run test-suites (no real-time support) and when Flask cannot/don't want to be used. :param buildir: the build directory to load :type buildir: str """ raise CommonException.WIPError()
[docs]def start_server(report: Report) -> Flask: """Initialize the Flask server, default to 5000. A random port is picked if the default is already in use. :param report: The model to be used. :type report: class:`Report` :return: the application handler :rtype: class:`Flask` """ app = create_app(report) ret ='', port=int( os.getenv("PCVS_REPORT_PORT", 5000)), debug=True)