Source code for

import fileinput
import os
import pprint
import shutil
import signal
import subprocess
import time
from subprocess import CalledProcessError

from ruamel.yaml import YAML

                  io, testing)
from pcvs.backend import bank as pvBank
from pcvs.backend import spack as pvSpack
from pcvs.helpers import communications, criterion, utils
from pcvs.helpers.exceptions import TestException, RunException
from pcvs.helpers.system import MetaConfig, MetaDict
from pcvs.orchestration import Orchestrator
from pcvs.orchestration.publishers import BuildDirectoryManager
from pcvs.plugins import Plugin
from pcvs.testing.tedesc import TEDescriptor
from pcvs.testing.testfile import TestFile

[docs]def display_summary(the_session): """Display a summary for this run, based on profile & CLI arguments.""" cfg = MetaConfig.root.validation io.console.print_section("Global Information") io.console.print_item("Date of execution: {}".format( MetaConfig.root.validation.datetime.strftime("%c"))) io.console.print_item("Run by: {} <{}>".format(, io.console.print_item("Active session ID: {}".format( io.console.print_item("Loaded profile: '{}'".format(cfg.pf_name)) io.console.print_item("Build stored to: {}".format(cfg.output)) io.console.print_item("Criterion matrix size per job: {}".format( MetaConfig.root.get_internal("comb_cnt") )) if cfg.target_bank: io.console.print_item("Bank Management: {}".format(cfg.target_bank)) io.console.print_section("User directories:") width = max([0] + [len(i) for i in cfg.dirs]) for k, v in cfg.dirs.items(): io.console.print_item("{:<{width}}: {:<{width}}".format( k.upper(), v, width=width)) io.console.print_section("Globally loaded plugins:") MetaConfig.root.get_internal("pColl").show_enabled_plugins() io.console.print_section("Orchestration infos") MetaConfig.root.get_internal("orchestrator").print_infos() if cfg.simulated is True: io.console.print_box("\n".join([ "[red bold]DRY-RUN:[yellow] TEST EXECUTION IS [underline]EMULATED[/] <<<<", "[yellow italic]>>>> Dry run enabled for setup checking purposes."]), title="WARNING")
[docs]def stop_pending_jobs(exc=None): orch = MetaConfig.root.get_internal('orchestrator') if orch: orch.stop() if exc: raise exc
[docs]@io.capture_exception(Exception, stop_pending_jobs) def process_main_workflow(the_session=None): """Main entry point, triggering a PCVS validation run. This function is called by session management and may be run within an active terminal or as a detached process. :param the_session: the session handler this run is connected to, defaults to None :type the_session: :class:`Session`, optional """"RUN: Session start") global_config = MetaConfig.root valcfg = global_config.validation rc = 0 valcfg.sid = build_manager = BuildDirectoryManager(build_dir=valcfg.output) MetaConfig.root.set_internal('build_manager', build_manager) io.console.print_banner() io.console.print_header("Initialization") # prepare PCVS and third-party tools prepare() assert(build_manager.config) if valcfg.reused_build is not None: io.console.print_section("Reusing previously generated inputs") else: io.console.print_section("Load Test Suites") start = time.time() if MetaConfig.root.validation.dirs: process_files() if MetaConfig.root.validation.spack_recipe: process_spack() end = time.time() io.console.print_section( "===> Processing done in {:<.3f} sec(s)".format(end-start)) io.console.print_header("Summary") display_summary(the_session) if valcfg.onlygen: io.console.warn( ["====================================================", "Tests won't be run. This program will now stop.", "You may list runnable tests with `pcvs exec --list`", "or execute one with `pcvs exec <testname>`", "====================================================" ]) return 0 io.console.print_header("Execution") run_rc = MetaConfig.root.get_internal('orchestrator').run(the_session) rc += run_rc if isinstance(run_rc, int) else 1 io.console.print_header("Finalization") # post-actions to build the archive, post-process the webview... terminate() bank_token = valcfg.target_bank if bank_token is not None: bank = pvBank.Bank(token=bank_token) pref_proj = bank.default_project if bank.exists(): io.console.print_item("Upload results to bank: '{}{}'".format(, " (@{})".format(pref_proj) if pref_proj else "" )) bank.save_new_run_from_instance(None, build_manager, msg=valcfg.get('message', None)) #bank.save_from_buildir( # None, # os.path.join(valcfg.output) #) buildfile = os.path.join(valcfg.output, NAME_BUILDFILE) if utils.is_locked(buildfile): utils.unlock_file(buildfile) return rc
def __check_defined_program_validity(): """Ensure most programs defined in profiles & parameters are valid in the current environment. Only system-wide commands are assessed here (compiler, runtime, etc...) not test-wide, as some resource may not be available at the time. """ # exhaustive list of user-defined program to exist before starting: utils.check_valid_program( MetaConfig.root.machine.job_manager.allocate.program) utils.check_valid_program( MetaConfig.root.machine.job_manager.allocate.wrapper) utils.check_valid_program(MetaConfig.root.machine.job_manager.remote.program) utils.check_valid_program(MetaConfig.root.machine.job_manager.remote.wrapper) utils.check_valid_program( MetaConfig.root.machine.job_manager.batch.program) utils.check_valid_program( MetaConfig.root.machine.job_manager.batch.wrapper) return # TODO: need to handle package_manager commands to process below # maybe a dummy testfile should be used utils.check_valid_program( utils.check_valid_program(MetaConfig.root.compiler.cxx.program) utils.check_valid_program(MetaConfig.root.compiler.fc.program) utils.check_valid_program(MetaConfig.root.compiler.f77.program) utils.check_valid_program(MetaConfig.root.compiler.f90.program) utils.check_valid_program(MetaConfig.root.runtime.program)
[docs]def prepare(): """Prepare the environment for a validation run. This function prepares the build dir, create trees... """ io.console.print_section("Prepare environment") valcfg = MetaConfig.root.validation build_man = MetaConfig.root.get_internal('build_manager') utils.start_autokill(valcfg.timeout) io.console.print_item("Check whether build directory is valid") build_man.prepare(reuse=valcfg.reused_build) per_file_max_sz = 0 try: per_file_max_sz = int(valcfg.per_result_file_sz) except: pass build_man.init_results(per_file_max_sz=per_file_max_sz) for label in valcfg.dirs.keys(): build_man.save_extras(os.path.join(NAME_BUILD_SCRATCH, label), dir=True, export=False) build_man.save_extras(NAME_BUILD_CACHEDIR, dir=True, export=False) valcfg.buildcache = os.path.join(build_man.prefix, NAME_BUILD_CACHEDIR) io.console.print_item("Ensure user-defined programs exist") __check_defined_program_validity() io.console.print_item("Init & expand criterions") criterion.initialize_from_system() # Pick on criterion used as 'resources' by JCHRONOSS # this is set by the run configuration # TODO: replace resource here by the one read from config TEDescriptor.init_system_wide('n_node') if valcfg.enable_report: io.console.print_section("Connection to the Reporting Server") comman = None if valcfg.report_addr == "local": comman = communications.EmbeddedServer(valcfg.sid) io.console.print_item("Running a local instance") else: comman = communications.RemoteServer( valcfg.sid, valcfg.report_addr) io.console.print_item("Listening on {}".format(comman.endpoint)) MetaConfig.root.set_internal('comman', comman) io.console.print_item("Init the global Orchestrator") MetaConfig.root.set_internal('orchestrator', Orchestrator()) io.console.print_item("Save Configurations into {}".format(valcfg.output)) build_man.save_config(MetaConfig.root)
[docs]def find_files_to_process(path_dict): """Lookup for test files to process, from the list of paths provided as parameter. The given `path_dict` is a dict, where keys are path labels given by the user, while values are the actual path. This function then returns a two-list tuple, one being files needing preprocessing (setup), the other being static configuration files (pcvs.yml) Each list element is a tuple: * origin label * subtree from this label leading to the actual file * file basename (either "pcvs.setup" or "pcvs.yml") :param path_dict: tree of paths to look for :type path_dict: dict :return: a tuple with two lists :rtype: tuple """ setup_files = list() yaml_files = list() # discovery may take a while with some systems # iterate over user directories for label, path in path_dict.items(): # for each, walk through the tree for root, dirs, list_files in os.walk(path): last_dir = os.path.basename(root) # if the current dir is a 'special' one, discard if last_dir in [NAME_SRCDIR, NAME_BUILDIR, "build_scripts"]: io.console.debug("skip {}".format(root)) # set dirs to null, avoiding os.wal() to go further in that dir dirs[:] = [] continue # otherwise, save the file for f in list_files: # [1:] to remove extra '/' subtree = os.path.relpath(root, path) if subtree == ".": subtree = None if 'pcvs.setup' == f: setup_files.append((label, subtree, f)) elif 'pcvs.yml' == f or '' == f: yaml_files.append((label, subtree, f)) return (setup_files, yaml_files)
[docs]def process_files(): """Process the test-suite generation. It includes walking through user directories to find definitions AND generating the associated tests. :raises TestUnfoldError: An error occured while processing files """ io.console.print_item("Locate benchmarks from user directories") setup_files, yaml_files = find_files_to_process( MetaConfig.root.validation.dirs) io.console.debug("Found setup files: {}".format( pprint.pformat(setup_files))) io.console.debug("Found static files: {}".format( pprint.pformat(yaml_files))) errors = [] io.console.print_item("Extract tests from dynamic definitions ({} found)".format(len(setup_files))) errors += process_dyn_setup_scripts(setup_files) io.console.print_item("Extract tests from static definitions ({} found)".format(len(yaml_files))) errors += process_static_yaml_files(yaml_files) if len(errors): #**{e[0]: e[1] for e in errors} raise TestException.TestExpressionError( reason="Test-suites failed to be parsed.", **{e[0]: e[1].dbg for e in errors})
[docs]def process_spack(): if not shutil.which('spack'): io.console.warn( "Unable to parse Spack recipes without having Spack in $PATH") return io.console.print_item("Build test-bases from Spack recipes") label = "spack" path = "/spack" MetaConfig.root.validation.dirs[label] = path build_man = MetaConfig.root.get_internal('build_manager') _, _, rbuild, _ = testing.generate_local_variables(label, '') build_man.save_extras(os.path.relpath(rbuild, build_man.prefix), dir=True, export=False) for spec in io.console.progress_iter(MetaConfig.root.validation.spack_recipe): _, _, _, cbuild = testing.generate_local_variables(label, spec) build_man.save_extras(os.path.relpath(cbuild, build_man.prefix), dir=True, export=False) pvSpack.generate_from_variants(spec, label, spec)
[docs]def build_env_from_configuration(current_node, parent_prefix="pcvs"): """create a flat dict of variables mapping to the actual configuration. In order to "pcvs.setup" to read current configuration, the whole config is serialized into shell variables. Purpose of this function is to flatten the configuration tree into env vars, each tree level being divided with an underscore. This function is called recursively to walk through the whole tree. :example: The `` config node become `$compiler_cc_program=<...>` :param current_node: current node to flatten :type current_node: dict :param parent_prefix: prefix used to name vars at this depth, defaults to "pcvs" :type parent_prefix: str, optional :return: a flat dict of the whole configuration, keys are shell variables. :rtype: dict """ env_dict = dict() for k, v in current_node.items(): if v is None: v = '' if isinstance(v, dict): env_dict.update(build_env_from_configuration( v, parent_prefix+"_"+k)) continue elif v is None: v = '' elif isinstance(v, list): v = " ".join(map(str, v)) else: v = str(v) k = "{}_{}".format(parent_prefix, k).replace('.', '_') env_dict[k] = v return env_dict
[docs]def process_dyn_setup_scripts(setup_files): """Process dynamic test files and generate associated tests. This function executes pcvs.setup files after deploying the environment (to let these scripts access it). It leads to generate "pcvs.yml" files, then processed to construct tests. :param setup_files: list of tuples, each mapping a single pcvs.setup file :type setup_files: tuple :return: list of errors encountered while processing. :rtype: list """ err = []"Convert configuration to Shell variables") env = os.environ.copy() env_config = build_env_from_configuration(MetaConfig.root) env.update(env_config) with open(os.path.join(MetaConfig.root.validation.output, NAME_BUILD_CONF_SH), 'w') as fh: fh.write(utils.str_dict_as_envvar(env_config)) fh.close()"Iteration over files") for label, subprefix, fname in io.console.progress_iter(setup_files): io.console.debug("process {} ({})".format(subprefix, label)) base_src, cur_src, base_build, cur_build = testing.generate_local_variables( label, subprefix) # prepre to exec pcvs.setup script # 1. setup the env env['pcvs_src'] = base_src env['pcvs_testbuild'] = base_build if not os.path.isdir(cur_build): os.makedirs(cur_build) f = os.path.join(cur_src, fname) if not subprefix: subprefix = "" # Run the script try: fds = subprocess.Popen([f, subprefix], env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) fdout, fderr = fds.communicate() if fds.returncode != 0: raise RunException.NonZeroSetupScript(rc=fds.returncode, err=fderr, file=f) #### should be enabled only in debug mode # flush the output to $BUILD/pcvs.yml #out_file = os.path.join(cur_build, 'pcvs.yml') #with open(out_file, 'w') as fh: #fh.write(fdout.decode('utf-8')) except CalledProcessError as e: err.append((f, RunException.ProgramError(file=f))) continue except RunException.NonZeroSetupScript as e: err.append((f, e))"Setup Failed ({}): {}".format(f, e.dbg['err'].decode('utf-8'))) continue out = fdout.decode('utf-8') if not out: # pcvs.setup did not output anything continue # Now create the file handler MetaConfig.root.get_internal( "pColl").invoke_plugins(Plugin.Step.TFILE_BEFORE) obj = TestFile(file_in="<stream>", path_out=cur_build, label=label, prefix=subprefix ) obj.load_from_str(out) obj.save_yaml() obj.process() obj.flush_sh_file() MetaConfig.root.get_internal( "pColl").invoke_plugins(Plugin.Step.TFILE_AFTER) return err
[docs]def process_static_yaml_files(yaml_files): """Process 'pcvs.yml' files to contruct the test base. :param yaml_files: list of tuples, each describing a single input file. :type yaml_files: list :return: list of encountered errors while processing :rtype: list """ err = []"Iteration over files") for label, subprefix, fname in io.console.progress_iter(yaml_files): _, cur_src, _, cur_build = testing.generate_local_variables( label, subprefix) if not os.path.isdir(cur_build): os.makedirs(cur_build) f = os.path.join(cur_src, fname) try: obj = TestFile(file_in=f, path_out=cur_build, label=label, prefix=subprefix ) obj.process() obj.flush_sh_file() except Exception as e: #raise e err.append((f, e))"{} (failed to parse): {}".format(f, e)) return err
[docs]def anonymize_archive(): """Erase from results any undesired output from the generated archive. This process is disabled by default as it may increase significantly the validation process on large test bases. .. note:: It does not alter results in-place, only the generated archive. To preserve the anonymization, only the archive must be exported/shared, not the actual build directory. """ config = MetaConfig.root.validation outdir = config.output for root, _, files in os.walk(config.output): for f in files: if not f.endswith(('.xml', '.json', '.yml', '.txt', '.md', '.html')): continue with fileinput.FileInput(os.path.join(root, f), inplace=True, backup=".raw") as fh: for line in fh: # TODO: add more patterns (user-defined ? ) print( line.replace(outdir, '${PCVS_RUN_DIRECTORY}') .replace(os.environ['HOME'], '${HOME}') .replace(os.environ['USER'], '${USER}'), end='')
[docs]def terminate(): """Finalize a validation run. This include generating & anonymizing (if needed) the archive. :raises ProgramError: Problem occured while invoking the archive tool. """ MetaConfig.root.get_internal( "pColl").invoke_plugins(Plugin.Step.END_BEFORE) build_man = MetaConfig.root.get_internal('build_manager') outdir = MetaConfig.root.validation.output io.console.print_section("Prepare results") io.console.move_debug_file(outdir) archive_path = build_man.create_archive() # if MetaConfig.root.validation.anonymize: # io.console.print_item("Anonymize data") # anonymize_archive() comman = MetaConfig.root.get_internal("comman") if comman: io.console.print_item("Close connection to Reporting Server") comman.close_connection() MetaConfig.root.get_internal("pColl").invoke_plugins(Plugin.Step.END_AFTER) build_man.finalize()
[docs]def dup_another_build(build_dir, outdir): """Clone another build directory to start this validation upon it. It allows to save test-generation time if the validation is re-run under the exact same terms (identical configuration & tests). :param build_dir: the build directory to copy resource from :type build_dir: str :param outdir: where data will be copied to. :type outdir: str :return: the whole configuration loaded from the dup'd build directory :rtype: dict """ global_config = None # First, load the whole config with open(os.path.join(build_dir, NAME_BUILD_CONF_FN), 'r') as fh: d = MetaDict(YAML(typ='safe').load(fh)) global_config = MetaConfig(d) # first, clear fields overridden by current run global_config.validation.output = outdir global_config.validation.reused_build = build_dir global_config.validation.buildcache = os.path.join(outdir, NAME_BUILD_CACHEDIR) # second, copy any xml/sh files to be reused for root, _, files, in os.walk(os.path.join(build_dir, "test_suite")): for f in files: if f in ('dbg-pcvs.yml', ''): src = os.path.join(root, f) dest = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.relpath( src, start=os.path.abspath(build_dir)) ) utils.copy_file(src, dest) # other files for f in (NAME_BUILD_CONF_SH): src = os.path.join(build_dir, f) dest = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.relpath( src, start=os.path.abspath(build_dir)) ) if not os.path.isfile(src): continue utils.copy_file(src, dest) return global_config