Source code for pcvs.backend.utilities

import base64
import json
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile

from ruamel.yaml import YAML, YAMLError

from pcvs import NAME_BUILDFILE, NAME_BUILDIR, io
from pcvs.testing.testfile import TestFile
from pcvs.backend import config, profile, run
from pcvs.helpers import system, utils
from pcvs.helpers.exceptions import ValidationException
from pcvs.helpers.system import MetaDict
from pcvs.orchestration.publishers import BuildDirectoryManager

[docs]def locate_scriptpaths(output=None): """Path lookup to find all 'list_of_tests' script within a given prefix. :param output: prefix to walk through, defaults to current directory :type output: str, optional :return: the list of scripts found in prefix :rtype: List[str] """ if output is None: output = os.getcwd() scripts = list() for root, _, files in os.walk(output): for f in files: if f == '': scripts.append(os.path.join(root, f)) return scripts
[docs]def compute_scriptpath_from_testname(testname, output=None): """Locate the proper '' according to a fully-qualified test name. :param testname: test name belonging to the script :type testname: str :param output: prefix to walk through, defaults to current directory :type output: str, optional :return: the associated path with testname :rtype: str """ if output is None: output = os.getcwd() buildir = utils.find_buildir_from_prefix(output) prefix = os.path.dirname(testname) return os.path.join( buildir, 'test_suite', prefix, "" )
[docs]def get_logged_output(prefix, testname): if prefix is None: prefix = os.getcwd() buildir = utils.find_buildir_from_prefix(prefix) s = "" if buildir: man = BuildDirectoryManager(build_dir=buildir) man.init_results() for test in man.results.retrieve_tests_by_name(name=testname): s += "\n##### TEST OUTPUT #####\n### Testname: {}\n{}\n".format(, test.get_raw_output(encoding='utf-8')) man.finalize() if not s: s = "No test named '{}' found here.".format(testname) return s
[docs]def process_check_configs(conversion=True): """Analyse available configurations to ensure their correctness relatively to their respective schemes. :return: caught errors, as a dict, where the keys is the errmsg base64 :rtype: dict""" errors = dict() t = io.console.create_table("Configurations", ["Valid", "ID"]) for kind in config.CONFIG_BLOCKS: for scope in utils.storage_order(): for blob in config.list_blocks(kind, scope): token = io.console.utf('fail') err_msg = "" obj = config.ConfigurationBlock(kind, blob[0], scope) obj.load_from_disk() try: obj.check(allow_legacy=conversion) token = io.console.utf('succ') except ValidationException.FormatError as e: err_msg = base64.b64encode(str(e.dbg).encode('utf-8')) errors.setdefault(err_msg, 0) errors[err_msg] += 1 io.console.debug(str(e)) t.add_row(token, obj.full_name) io.console.print(t) return errors
[docs]def process_check_profiles(conversion=True): """Analyse availables profiles and check their correctness relatively to the base scheme. :return: list of caught errors as a dict, where keys are error msg base64 :rtype: dict""" t = io.console.create_table("Available Profile", ["valid", "ID"]) errors = dict() for scope in utils.storage_order(): for blob in profile.list_profiles(scope): token = io.console.utf('fail') obj = profile.Profile(blob[0], scope) obj.load_from_disk() try: obj.check(allow_legacy=conversion) token = io.console.utf('succ') except ValidationException.FormatError as e: err_msg = base64.b64encode(str(e.dbg).encode('utf-8')) errors.setdefault(err_msg, 0) errors[err_msg] += 1 io.console.debug(str(e)) t.add_row(token, obj.full_name) io.console.print(t) return errors
[docs]def process_check_setup_file(root, prefix, run_configuration): """Check if a given pcvs.setup could be parsed if used in a regular process. :param filename: the pcvs.setup filepath :type filename: str :param prefix: the subtree the setup is extract from (used as argument) :type prefix: str :return: a tuple (err msg, icon to print, parsed data) :rtype: tuple """ err_msg = None data = None env = os.environ env.update(run_configuration) try: tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() with utils.cwd(tdir): env['pcvs_src'] = root env['pcvs_testbuild'] = tdir if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tdir, prefix)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(tdir, prefix)) if not prefix: prefix = '' proc = subprocess.Popen( [os.path.join(root, prefix, "pcvs.setup"), prefix], env=env, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) fdout, fderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: if not fderr: fderr = "Non-zero status (no stderr): {}".format( proc.returncode).encode('utf-8') err_msg = base64.b64encode(fderr) else: data = fdout.decode('utf-8') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: err_msg = base64.b64encode(str(e.stderr).encode('utf-8')) return (err_msg, data)
def __set_token(token, nset=None) -> str: """Manage display token (job display) depending on given condition. if the condition is a success, insert the UTF 'succ' code, 'fail' otherwise. A custom str can be provided if the condition is neither a success or a failure (=None was given). :param token: the condition :type token: bool :param nset: default pattern to insert :type nset: str, optional :return: the pretty-printable token :rtype: str """ if not nset: nset = io.console.utf("none") if token is None: return "[yellow bold]{}[/]".format(nset) elif token: return "[green bold]{}[/]".format(io.console.utf("succ")) else: return "[red bold]{}[/]".format(io.console.utf("fail"))
[docs]def process_check_directory(dir, pf_name="default", conversion=True): """Analyze a directory to ensure defined test files are valid. :param dir: the directory to process. :type dir: str :return: a dict of caught errors :rtype: dict """ errors = dict() total_nodes = 0 pf = profile.Profile(pf_name) if not pf.is_found(): pf.load_template() else: pf.load_from_disk() pf.check(allow_legacy=conversion) system.MetaConfig.root = system.MetaConfig() system.MetaConfig.root.bootstrap_from_profile(pf.dump()) system.MetaConfig.root.validation.output = "/tmp" buildenv = run.build_env_from_configuration(pf.dump()) setup_files, yaml_files = run.find_files_to_process( {os.path.basename(dir): dir}) from rich.table import Table table = Table(title="Results", expand=True, row_styles=["dim", ""]) table.add_column("Runnable Script", justify="center", max_width=5) table.add_column("Valid", justify="center", max_width=5) table.add_column("Node count", justify="center", max_width=5) table.add_column("File Path", justify="left") # with io.console.pager(): # with Live(table, refresh_per_second=4): for _, subprefix, f in io.console.progress_iter([*setup_files, *yaml_files]): setup_ok = __set_token(None) yaml_ok = __set_token(None) nb_nodes = __set_token(None, "----") data = "" err = None if subprefix is None: subprefix = "" if f.endswith("pcvs.setup"): err, data = process_check_setup_file( dir, subprefix, buildenv) setup_ok = __set_token(err is None) else: with open(os.path.join(dir, subprefix, f), 'r') as fh: data = if not err: converted = None dflt = None err = None try: cur = TestFile(file_in="", path_out="", label="", prefix=subprefix) cur.load_from_str(data) converted = not(cur.validate(allow_conversion=conversion)) nb_nodes = cur.nb_descs total_nodes += nb_nodes success=True except YAMLError as e: err = base64.b64encode(str(e).encode('utf-8')) success=False except ValidationException.FormatError as e: err = base64.b64encode(str(e).encode('utf-8')) success=False if converted is True: # yaml VALID but old syntax # --> yellow success=None dflt = "{} {}".format(io.console.utf('succ'), io.console.utf('copy')) yaml_ok = __set_token(success, nset=dflt) table.add_row( setup_ok, yaml_ok, "{:>4}" .format(nb_nodes), "./" if not subprefix else subprefix) if err:"FAILED: {}".format( base64.b64decode(err).decode('utf-8'))) errors.setdefault(err, 0) errors[err] += 1 io.console.print(table) io.console.print_item("Total node count: {}".format(total_nodes)) return errors
[docs]class BuildSystem: """Manage a generic build system discovery service. :ivar _root: the root directory the discovery service is attached to. :type _root: str :ivar _dirs: list of directory found in _root. :type _dirs: List[str] :ivar _files: list of files found in _root :type _files: List[str] :ivar _stream: the resulted dict, representing targeted YAML architecture :type _stream: dict""" def __init__(self, root, dirs=None, files=None): """Constructor method. :param root: root dir where discovery service is applied :type root: str :param dirs: list of dirs, defaults to None :type dirs: str, optional :param files: list of files, defaults to None :type files: str, optional """ self._root = root self._dirs = dirs self._files = files self._stream = MetaDict()
[docs] def fill(self): """This function should be overriden by overriden classes. Nothing to do, by default. """ assert (False)
[docs] def generate_file(self, filename="pcvs.yml", force=False): """Build the YAML test file, based on path introspection and build model. :param filename: test file suffix :type filename: str :param force: erase target file if exist. :type force: bool """ out_file = os.path.join(self._root, filename) if os.path.isfile(out_file) and not force: io.console.warn(" --> skipped, already exist;") return with open(out_file, 'w') as fh: YAML(typ='safe').dump(self._stream.to_dict(), fh)
[docs]class AutotoolsBuildSystem(BuildSystem): """Derived BuildSystem targeting Autotools projects."""
[docs] def fill(self): """Populate the dict relatively to the build system to build the proper YAML representation.""" name = os.path.basename(self._root) self._stream[name].build.autotools.autogen = ( '' in self._files) self._stream[name].build.files = os.path.join(self._root, 'configure') self._stream[name].build.autotools.params = ""
[docs]class CMakeBuildSystem(BuildSystem): """Derived BuildSystem targeting CMake projects."""
[docs] def fill(self): """Populate the dict relatively to the build system to build the proper YAML representation.""" name = os.path.basename(self._root) self._stream[name].build.cmake.vars = "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" self._stream[name].build.files = os.path.join( self._root, 'CMakeLists.txt')
[docs]class MakefileBuildSystem(BuildSystem): """Derived BuildSystem targeting Makefile-based projects."""
[docs] def fill(self): """Populate the dict relatively to the build system to build the proper YAML representation.""" name = os.path.basename(self._root) self._stream[name] = '' self._stream[name].build.files = os.path.join(self._root, 'Makefile')
[docs]def process_discover_directory(path, override=False, force=False): """Path discovery to detect & intialize build systems found. :param path: the root path to start with :type path: str :param override: True if test files should be generated, default to False :type override: bool :param force: True if test files should be replaced if exist, defaut to False :type force: bool """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): obj = None if 'configure' in files: n = "[yello bold]Autotools[/]" obj = AutotoolsBuildSystem(root, dirs, files) if 'CMakeLists.txt' in files: n = "[cyan bold]CMake[/]" obj = CMakeBuildSystem(root, dirs, files) if 'Makefile' in files: n = "[red bold]Make[/]" obj = MakefileBuildSystem(root, dirs, files) if obj is not None: dirs[:] = [] io.console.print_item("{} [{}]".format(root, n)) obj.fill() if override: obj.generate_file(filename="pcvs.yml", force=force)