Source code for pcvs.cli.cli_config

import sys

from ruamel.yaml import YAML

from pcvs import io
from pcvs.backend import config as pvConfig
from pcvs.helpers import utils
from pcvs.helpers.exceptions import ConfigException

    import rich_click as click
    click.rich_click.SHOW_ARGUMENTS = True
except ImportError:
    import click

[docs]def compl_list_token(ctx, args, incomplete) -> list: # pragma: no cover """config name completion function. :param ctx: Click context :type ctx: :class:`Click.Context` :param args: the option/argument requesting completion. :type args: str :param incomplete: the user input :type incomplete: str """ pvConfig.init() flat_array = [] for kind in pvConfig.CONFIG_BLOCKS: for scope in utils.storage_order(): for elt in pvConfig.CONFIG_EXISTING[kind][scope]: flat_array.append(scope + "." + kind + "." + str(elt[0])) return [elt for elt in flat_array if incomplete in elt]
[docs]def compl_list_templates(ctx, args, incomplete) -> list: # pragma: no cover """Config template completion. :param ctx: Click context :type ctx: :class:`Click.Context` :param args: the option/argument requesting completion. :type args: str :param incomplete: the user input :type incomplete: str""" return [elt for elt in pvConfig.list_templates() if incomplete in elt]"config", short_help="Manage Configuration blocks") @click.pass_context def config(ctx) -> None: """The 'config' command helps user to manage configuration basic blocks in order to set up a future validation to process. A basic block is the smallest piece of configuration gathering similar informations. Multiple KIND exist: \b - COMPILER : relative to compiler configuration (CC, CXX, FC...) - RUNTIME : relative to test execution (MPICC...) - MACHINE : describes a machine to potentially run validations (nodes...) - CRITERION: defines piec of information to validate on (a.k.a. iterators') - GROUP : templates used as a convenience to filter out tests globally The scope option allows to select at which granularity the command applies: \b - LOCAL: refers to the current working directory - USER: refers to the current user HOME directory ($HOME) - GLOBAL: refers to PCVS-rt installation prefix """
[docs]def config_list_single_kind(kind, scope) -> None: """Related to 'config list' command, handling a single 'kind' at a time. :param kind: config kind :type kind: str :param scope: config scope :type scope: str """ # retrieve blocks to print blocks = pvConfig.list_blocks(kind, scope) if not blocks: io.console.print_item("None") return elif scope is None: # if no scope has been provided by the user for sc in utils.storage_order(): # aggregate names for each sccope names = sorted([elt[0] for elt in [array for array in blocks[sc]]]) if not names: io.console.print_item( "[bright_black]{: <6s}: None".format(sc.upper())) else: io.console.print_item("{: <6s}: {}".format( sc.upper(), ", ".join(names))) else: names = sorted([x[0] for x in blocks]) io.console.print_item("{: <6s}: {}".format( scope.upper(), ", ".join(names)))
@config.command(name="list", short_help="List available configuration blocks") @click.argument("token", nargs=1, required=False, type=click.STRING, shell_complete=compl_list_token) @click.option("-a", "--all", "all", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Display extra resources (templates, etc.)") @click.pass_context def config_list(ctx, token, all) -> None: """List available configurations on the system. The list can be filtered by applying a KIND. Possible values for KIND are documented through the `pcvs config --help` command. Additionally, a special KIND value has been added for this command command only: the 'all' keyword, listing all possible configuration files currently registered. 'all' is a specific value to list all configurations. """ (scope, kind, label) = (None, None, None) if token: (scope, kind, label) = utils.extract_infos_from_token( token, pair="left", single="center") if label: io.console.warn("no LABEL required for this command") # special cases for 'list' command: # - no 'label' are required (ignored otherwise) # - a special 'all' value is allowed for 'kind' parameter if kind is None or kind.lower() == 'all': kinds = pvConfig.CONFIG_BLOCKS else: pvConfig.check_valid_kind(kind) kinds = [kind] utils.check_valid_scope(scope) io.console.print_header("Configuration view") for k in kinds: io.console.print_section("Kind '{}'".format(k.upper())) config_list_single_kind(k, scope) if all: io.console.print_section( "Available templates to create from (--base option):") io.console.print_item( ", ".join([x for x in sorted(pvConfig.list_templates())])) # in case verbosity is enabled, add scope paths"Scopes are ordered as follows:") for i, scope in enumerate(utils.storage_order()):"{}. {}: {}".format( i+1, scope.upper(), utils.STORAGES[scope])) @config.command(name="show", short_help="Show detailed view of the selected configuration") @click.argument("token", nargs=1, type=click.STRING, shell_complete=compl_list_token) @click.pass_context def config_show(ctx, token) -> None: """Prints a detailed description of this configuration block, labeled NAME and belonging to the KIND kind. Possible values for KIND are documented through the `pcvs config --help` command. """ (scope, kind, label) = utils.extract_infos_from_token(token) block = pvConfig.ConfigurationBlock(kind, label, scope) if block.is_found(): block.load_from_disk() block.display() else: sc = scope sc = "any" if sc is None else sc raise click.BadArgumentUsage("No '{}' configuration found at {} level!".format( label, sc)) @config.command(name="create", short_help="Create/Clone a configuration block") @click.argument("token", nargs=1, type=click.STRING, shell_complete=compl_list_token) @click.option("-c", "--clone", "clone", default=None, type=str, show_envvar=True, help="Valid name to copy (may use scope, e.g. global.label)") @click.option("-T", "--base", "base", type=str, default=None, shell_complete=compl_list_templates, help="Specify a template to bootstrap the configuration.") @click.option("-i/-I", "--interactive/--no-interactive", "interactive", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Directly open the created config block in $EDITOR") @click.pass_context def config_create(ctx, token, clone, base, interactive) -> None: """Create a new configuration block for the given KIND. The newly created block will be labeled NAME. It is inherited from a default template. This can be overriden by spefifying a CLONE argument. The CLONE may be given raw (as a regular label) or prefixed by the scope this label is coming from. For instance, the user may pass 'global.mylabel' to disambiguate the selection if multiple configuration blocks with same names exist at different scopes. Possible values for KIND are documented through the `pcvs config --help` command. """ if clone and base: raise click.BadOptionUsage( "--clone/--base", "--clone & --base cannot be used simultaneously.") (scope, kind, label) = utils.extract_infos_from_token(token) copy = pvConfig.ConfigurationBlock(kind, label, scope) if copy.is_found(): raise click.BadArgumentUsage("Configuration '{}' already exists!".format( copy.full_name)) if clone is not None: (c_scope, c_kind, c_label) = utils.extract_infos_from_token( clone, pair='span') if c_kind is not None and c_kind != kind: raise click.BadArgumentUsage( "Can only clone from a conf. blocks with the same KIND!") cfg = pvConfig.ConfigurationBlock(kind, c_label, c_scope) if not cfg.is_found(): raise click.BadArgumentUsage( "There is no such conf.block named '{}'".format(clone) ) cfg.load_from_disk() copy.clone(cfg) else: copy.load_template(base) copy.check() copy.flush_to_disk() if interactive: copy.edit() @config.command(name="destroy", short_help="Remove a config block") @click.argument("token", nargs=1, type=click.STRING, shell_complete=compl_list_token) @click.confirmation_option( "-f", "--force", prompt="Are you sure you want to delete this config ?", help="Do not ask for confirmation before deletion") @click.pass_context def config_destroy(ctx, token) -> None: """ Erase from disk a previously created configuration block. Possible values for KIND are documented through the `pcvs config --help` command. """ (scope, kind, label) = utils.extract_infos_from_token(token) c = pvConfig.ConfigurationBlock(kind, label, scope) if c.is_found(): c.delete() else: raise click.BadArgumentUsage( "Configuration '{}' not found!\nPlease check the 'list' command".format(label)) @config.command(name="edit", short_help="edit the config block") @click.argument("token", nargs=1, type=click.STRING, shell_complete=compl_list_token) @click.option("-p", "--edit-plugin", "edit_plugin", is_flag=True, default=False, help="runtime-only: edit plugin code instead of config file") @click.pass_context def config_edit(ctx, token, edit_plugin) -> None: """ Open the file with $EDITOR for direct modifications. The configuration is then validated to ensure consistency. Possible values for KIND are documented through the `pcvs config --help` command. """ (scope, kind, label) = utils.extract_infos_from_token(token) block = pvConfig.ConfigurationBlock(kind, label, scope) if block.is_found(): if edit_plugin: block.edit_plugin() else: block.edit() else: raise click.BadArgumentUsage( "Cannot open this configuration: does not exist!") @config.command(name="import", short_help="Import config from a file") @click.argument("token", nargs=1, type=click.STRING, shell_complete=compl_list_token) @click.option("-s", "--source", "in_file", type=click.File('r'), default=sys.stdin) @click.option("-f", "--force", "force", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Erase any previously existing config.") @click.pass_context def config_import(ctx, token, in_file, force) -> None: """ Import a new configuration block from a YAML file named IN_FILE. The configuration is then validated to ensure consistency. Possible values for KIND are documented through the `pcvs config --help` command. """ (scope, kind, label) = utils.extract_infos_from_token(token) obj = pvConfig.ConfigurationBlock(kind, label, scope) if not obj.is_found() or force: obj.fill(YAML(typ='safe').load( obj.flush_to_disk() else: raise ConfigException.AlreadyExistError("{}".format(obj.full_name)) @config.command(name="export", short_help="Export config into a file") @click.argument("token", nargs=1, type=click.STRING, shell_complete=compl_list_token) @click.option("-o", "--output", "out_file", type=click.File('w'), default=sys.stdout) @click.pass_context def config_export(ctx, token, out_file): """ Export a new configuration block to a YAML file named OUT_FILE. Possible values for KIND are documented through the `pcvs config --help` command. """ (scope, kind, label) = utils.extract_infos_from_token(token) obj = pvConfig.ConfigurationBlock(kind, label, scope) if obj.is_found(): obj.load_from_disk() YAML(typ='safe').dump(obj.dump(), out_file) else: raise click.BadArgumentUsage( "Config block not found: '{}'".format(token))