Source code for pcvs.helpers.log

import functools
import os
import pprint
import sys
import textwrap
import traceback

import click

from pcvs import io
from pcvs.helpers import exceptions
from pcvs.helpers.exceptions import CommonException

[docs]def init(v=0, e=False, l=100, quiet=False): """initializes a global manager for everyone to use :param v: verbosity level, defaults to 0 :type v: int, optional :param e: True to enable unicode alphabet, False to use ascii, defaults to False :type e: bool, optional :param l: length of the terminal, defaults to 100 :type l: int, optional :param quiet: False to write to stdout, defaults to False :type quiet: bool, optional """ global manager manager = io.console if man is None: man = manager
# return click.progressbar( # it, empty_char=man.utf('empty_pg'), # info_sep=man.utf('sep_v'), fill_char=man.utf('full_pg'), # sh_percent=False, show_eta=False, show_pos=False, # item_show_func=print_func, # **kargs)