Source code for pcvs.helpers.utils

import os
import shutil
import signal
import socket
import subprocess
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from shutil import SameFileError

                  PATH_INSTDIR, io)
from pcvs.helpers.exceptions import (CommonException, LockException,

    'global': PATH_INSTDIR,
    'user': PATH_HOMEDIR,
    'local': os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), NAME_SRCDIR))

[docs]def create_home_dir(): """Create a home directory """ if not os.path.exists(PATH_HOMEDIR): os.makedirs(PATH_HOMEDIR)
[docs]def storage_order(): """Return scopes in order of searching. :return: a list of scopes :rtype: list """ return ['local', 'user', 'global']
[docs]def check_valid_scope(s): """Check if argument is a valid scope (local, user, global). :param s: scope to check :type s: str :raises CommonException.BadTokenError: the argument is not a valid scope """ if s not in storage_order() and s is not None: raise CommonException.BadTokenError(s)
[docs]def extract_infos_from_token(s, pair="right", single="right", maxsplit=3): """Extract fields from tokens (a, b, c) from user's string. :param s: the input string :type s: str :param pair: padding side when only 2 tokens found, defaults to "right" :type pair: str, optional :param single: padding side when only 1 token found, defaults to "right" :type single: str, optional :param maxsplit: maximum split number for s, defaults to 3 :type maxsplit: int, optional :return: 3-string-tuple: mapping (scope, kind, name), any of them may be null :rtype: tuple """ array = s.split(".") if len(array) >= maxsplit: return (array[0], array[1], ".".join(array[maxsplit-1:])) elif len(array) == 2: # two cases: a.b or b.c if pair == 'left': return (array[0], array[1], None) elif pair == 'span': return (array[0], None, array[1]) else: return (None, array[0], array[1]) elif len(array) == 1: if single == "left": # pragma: no cover return (s, None, None) elif single == "center": return (None, s, None) else: return (None, None, s) else: # pragma: no cover pass return (None, None, None) # pragma: no cover
def __determine_local_prefix(path, prefix): """Search for the ``local`` storage in the current (or parent) directory. :param path: ``local`` storage :type path: os.path, str :param prefix: prefix for ``local`` storage :type prefix: os.path, str :return: complete path to ``local`` storage :rtype: os.path, str """ cur = os.path.relpath(path) parent = "/" while not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cur, prefix)): parent = os.path.dirname(cur) # Reach '/' and not found if parent == cur: cur = path break # else, look for parent cur = parent return os.path.relpath(os.path.join(cur, prefix))
[docs]def set_local_path(path): """Set the prefix for the ``local`` storage. :param path: path of the ``local`` storage :type path: os.path """ # no update is required, do not touch defaults if path is None: return assert (os.path.isdir(path)) found = __determine_local_prefix(path, NAME_SRCDIR) # if local is the same as user path, discard if found in STORAGES.values(): found = os.path.join(path, NAME_SRCDIR) STORAGES['local'] = found
#################################### #### PATH MANIPULATION #### ####################################
[docs]def create_or_clean_path(prefix, dir=False): """Create a path or cleans it if it already exists. :param prefix: prefix of the path to create :type prefix: os.path, str :param dir: True if the path is a directory, defaults to False :type dir: bool, optional """ if not os.path.exists(prefix): if dir: os.mkdir(prefix) else: assert (os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(prefix))) open(prefix, 'w+').close() return # else, a previous path exists if os.path.isdir(prefix): shutil.rmtree(prefix) os.mkdir(prefix) elif os.path.isfile(prefix): os.remove(prefix)
[docs]@contextmanager def cwd(path): """Change the working directory. :param path: new working directory :type path: os.path, str """ if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) oldpwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) try: yield finally: os.chdir(oldpwd)
[docs]def copy_file(src, dest): """Copy a source file into a destination directory. :param src: source file to copy. :type src: str :param dest: destination directory, may not exist yet. :type dest: str """ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest), exist_ok=True) try: shutil.copy(src, dest) except SameFileError: pass
#################################### #### MISC. #### ####################################
[docs]def check_valid_program(p, succ=None, fail=None, raise_if_fail=True): """Check if p is a valid program, using the ``which`` function. :param p: program to check :type p: str :param succ: function to call in case of success, defaults to None :type succ: optional :param fail: function to call in case of failure, defaults to None :type fail: optional :param raise_if_fail: Raise an exception in case of failure, defaults to True :type raise_if_fail: bool, optional :raises RunException.ProgramError: p is not a valid program :return: True if p is a program, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if not p: return try: filepath = shutil.which(p) res = os.access(filepath, mode=os.X_OK) except TypeError: # which() can return None res = False if res is True and succ is not None: succ("'{}' found at '{}'".format(os.path.basename(p), filepath)) if res is False: if fail is not None: fail("{} not found or not an executable".format(p)) if raise_if_fail: raise RunException.ProgramError(p) return res
[docs]def find_buildir_from_prefix(path): """Find the build directory from the ``path`` prefix. :param path: path to search the build directory from :type path: os.path, str :raises CommonException.NotFoundError: the build directory is not found :return: the path of the build directory :rtype: os.path """ # three scenarios: # - path = $PREFIX (being a buildir) -> use as build dir # - path = $PREFIX (containing a buildir) - > join(.pcvs-build) # - otherwise, raise a path error if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, NAME_BUILDFILE)): path = os.path.join(path, NAME_BUILDIR) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, NAME_BUILDFILE)): raise CommonException.NotFoundError("build-dir in {}".format(path)) return path
[docs]def get_lockfile_name(f): """From a file to mutex, return the file lock name associated with it. For instance for /a/b.yml, the lock file name will be /a/.b.yml.lck :param f: the file to mutex :type f: str """ path = os.path.dirname(f) filename = os.path.basename(f) # hide lock file if original file isn't if not filename.startswith("."): filename = "." + filename return os.path.join(path, filename + ".lck")
[docs]def unlock_file(f): """Remove lock from a directory. :param f: file locking the directory :type f: os.path """ lf_name = get_lockfile_name(f) if os.path.exists(lf_name) and os.path.isfile(lf_name): os.remove(lf_name) if io.console: io.console.debug("Unlock {}".format(lf_name))
[docs]def lock_file(f, reentrant=False, timeout=None, force=True): """Try to lock a directory. :param f: name of lock :type f: os.path :param reentrant: True if this process may have locked this file before, defaults to False :type reentrant: bool, optional :param timeout: time before timeout, defaults to None :type timeout: int (seconds), optional :raises LockException.TimeoutError: timeout is reached before the directory is locked :return: True if the file is reached, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if io.console: io.console.debug("Attempt locking {}".format(f)) if force: unlock_file(f) locked = trylock_file(f, reentrant) count = 0 while not locked: time.sleep(1) count += 1 if timeout and count > timeout: raise LockException.TimeoutError(f) locked = trylock_file(f, reentrant) return locked
[docs]def trylock_file(f, reentrant=False): """Try to lock a file (used in lock_file). :param f: name of lock :type f: os.path :param reentrant: True if this process may have locked this file before, defaults to False :type reentrant: bool, optional :return: True if the file is reached, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ lockfile_name = get_lockfile_name(f) if not os.path.exists(lockfile_name): with open(lockfile_name, 'w') as fh: fh.write("{}||{}".format(socket.gethostname(), os.getpid())) if io.console: io.console.debug("Lock {}".format(lockfile_name)) return True else: try: hostname, pid = get_lock_owner(f) if pid == os.getpid() and hostname == socket.gethostname() and reentrant: io.console.debug("Lock {}".format(lockfile_name)) return True except ValueError as e: pass # return False return False
[docs]def is_locked(f): """Is the given file locked somewhere else ? :param f: the file to test :type f: str :return: a boolean indicating wether the lock is hold or not. :rtype: bool """ lf_name = get_lockfile_name(f) return os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(lf_name))
[docs]def get_lock_owner(f): """The lock file will contain the process ID owning the lock. This function returns it. :param f: the original file to mutex :type f: str :return: the process ID :rtype: int """ lf_name = get_lockfile_name(f) with open(lf_name, 'r') as fh: s ='||') return s[0], int(s[1])
[docs]def program_timeout(sig, frame): """Timeout handler, called when a SIGALRM is received. :param sig: signal number :type sig: int :param frame: the callee (unused) :type f: :raises CommonException.TimeoutError: timeout is reached """ assert (sig == signal.SIGALRM) raise CommonException.TimeoutError("Timeout reached")
[docs]def start_autokill(timeout=None): """Initialize a new time to automatically stop the current process once time is expired. :param timeout: value in seconds before the autokill will be raised :type timeout: positive integer """ if isinstance(timeout, int): io.console.print_item( "Setting timeout to {} second(s)".format(timeout)) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, program_timeout) signal.alarm(timeout)
[docs]class Program: """Simple class to encapsulate process management. This is better and should be preferred as importing subprocess everywhere. """ def __init__(self, cmd=None): self._cmd = cmd self._out = None self._rc = None self._except = None
[docs] def run(self, input="", shell=False, timeout=0): """Run the given program and capture I/Os :param input: raw data to be used as stdin :type input: str :param shell: is the provided command to be run within a shell :type shell: boolean :param timeout: allowed time before automatically killing the process :type timeout: positive integer :return: zero if the process started successfully, non-zero otherwise. :rtype: integer """ try: s = subprocess.Popen(self._cmd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self._out = s.communicate(input=input) self._rc = s.returncode except Exception as e: self._except = e return 1 return 0
@property def out(self): """Getter to actual execution output. :return: stderr/stdout combined :rtype: str """ return self._out @property def rc(self): """Getter, effective return code. :return: return code :rtype: integer """ return self._rc @property def exception(self): """Getter, raised exception (for any reason) :return: an Exception-derived object :rtype: Exception """ return self._except
[docs]def str_dict_as_envvar(d): """Convert a dict to a list of shell-compliant variable strings. The final result is a regular multiline str, each line being an entry. :param d: the dict containing env vars to serialize :type d: dict :return: the str, containing mulitple lines, each of them being a var. :rtype: str """ return "\n".join(["{}='{}'".format(i, d[i]) for i in sorted(d.keys())])
[docs]def check_is_buildir(p): if not os.path.isdir(p): return False return NAME_BUILDFILE in os.listdir(p)
[docs]def check_is_archive(f): if not os.path.isfile(f): return False return os.path.basename(f).startswith("pcvsrun_")
[docs]def check_is_build_or_archive(x): return check_is_buildir(x) or check_is_archive(x)
[docs]def list_valid_buildirs_in_dir(p): return [os.path.join(root, d) for root, d, _ in os.walk(p) if check_is_buildir(p)]
[docs]def list_valid_archive_in_dir(p): return [os.path.join(root, f) for root, _, f in os.walk(p) if check_is_archive(f)]