Source code for pcvs.webview

import copy
import json
import os
import random

from flask import Flask, abort, jsonify, render_template, request, sessions

from pcvs import PATH_INSTDIR
from pcvs.testing.test import Test

data_manager = None

[docs]def create_app(iface): """Start and run the Flask application. :return: the application :rtype: :class:`Flask` """ global data_manager data_manager = iface app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=os.path.join( PATH_INSTDIR, "webview/templates")) # app.config.from_object(...) @app.route('/about') def about(): """Provide the about-us page. :return: webpage content :rtype: str """ return render_template('tbw.html') @app.route('/doc') def doc(): """Provide the doc page. :return: webpage content :rtype: str """ return render_template('tbw.html') @app.route('/welcome') @app.route('/main') @app.route('/') def root(): """Provide the main page. :return: webpage content :rtype: str """ if 'json' in request.args.get("render", []): return jsonify(list(data_manager.session_infos())) return render_template("main.html") @app.route("/run/<sid>") def session_main(sid): """Provide the per-session main page :param sid: session id :type sid: str :return: page content :rtype: str """ sid = int(sid) if sid not in data_manager.session_ids: abort(404) labels = data_manager.single_session_labels(sid) tags = data_manager.single_session_tags(sid) jobs_cnt = data_manager.single_session_job_cnt(sid) if 'json' in request.args.get('render', []): return jsonify({"tag": len(tags), "label": len(labels), "test": jobs_cnt, "config": data_manager.single_session_config(sid) }) return render_template('session_main.html', sid=sid, rootdir=data_manager.single_session_build_path( sid), nb_tests=jobs_cnt, nb_labels=len(labels), nb_tags=len(tags) ) @app.route('/compare') def compare(): """Provide the archive comparaison interface. :return: webpage content :rtype: str """ return render_template('tbw.html') @app.route("/run/<sid>/<selection>/list") def get_list(sid, selection): """Get a listing. The response will depend on the request, which can be: * tags * label * status Providing a GET ``render`` to ``json`` returns the raw JSON version. :param selection: which listing to target :type selection: str :return: web content :rtype: str """ sid = int(sid) if 'json' in request.args.get('render', []): out = list() infos = data_manager.single_session_get_view( sid, selection, summary=True) for k, v in infos.items(): out.append({ "name": k, "count": v }) return jsonify(out) return render_template('list_view.html', sid=sid, selection=selection) @app.route("/run/<sid>/<selection>/detail") def get_details(sid, selection): """Get a detailed view of a component. The response will depend on the request, which can be: * tag * label * status Providing a GET ``render`` to ``json`` returns the raw JSON version. :param selection: which view to target :type selection: str :return: web response :rtype: str """ sid = int(sid) out = list() request_item = request.args.get('name', None) if 'json' in request.args.get('render', []): # special case if selection == "status": job_list = data_manager.single_session_status( sid, filter=request_item) else: struct = data_manager.single_session_get_view( sid, selection, subset=request_item, summary=False) # jobs are returned split into 3 lists, depending on their status # -> browse all three lists job_list = list() for e, m in struct.items(): for sn, s in m.items(): job_list += s for elt in job_list: cur: Test = data_manager.single_session_map_id(sid, elt) out.append(cur.to_json(strstate=True)) return jsonify(out) return render_template("detailed_view.html", sid=sid, selection=selection, sel_item=request_item) @app.route("/submit/session_init", methods=["POST"]) def submit_new_session(): """Entry point to receive new session request. :return: OK :rtype: HTTP request """ json_session = request.get_json() sid = json_session["sid"] data_manager.add_session(sid, json_session) return "OK!", 200 @app.route("/submit/session_fini", methods=["POST"]) def submit_end_session(): """Entry point to request a session end. :return: OK :rtype: HTTP request """ return "OK!", 200 @app.route("/submit/test", methods=["POST"]) def submit(): """Entry point to receive test data. :return: OK :rtype: HTTP request """ return "OK!", 200 json_str = request.get_json() test_sid = json_str["metadata"]["sid"] test_obj = Test() test_obj.from_json(json_str["test_data"]) ok = data_manager.insert_test(test_sid, test_obj) if not ok: return "", 406 else: return "OK!", 200 @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): """404 Not found page handler. :param e: the caught error, only 404 here :type e: int :return: web content :rtype: str """ return render_template('404.html') return app